CAMRIS International-Family Planning Expert ll Job Vacancy in Nepal ll

CAMRIS International’s USAID Nepal Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Project supports the achievement of USAID/Nepal’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) development objectives by assisting the Mission in planning, designing, conducting, disseminating and learning from more rigorous monitoring and evaluation of development activities. This includes designing and implementing both quantitative and qualitative evaluations and assessments, as well as providing expert analysis and technical assistance to USAID/Nepal’s programs. 
CAMRIS seeks a Family Planning Expert to contribute to the design and analysis of a study assessing the utilization patterns of emergency contraceptive pills in Nepal. 
Use of the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) has increased dramatically in Nepal in recent years, and data evaluating Nepalese ECP practices are limited. The Emergency Contraceptive Study aims to provide data on the growing trend of ECs in Nepal, and especially evaluate knowledge, attitudes, utilization patterns of ECs, and their effectiveness in preventing unwanted pregnancies in Nepal.  The objectives of this study are, therefore, to assess:
  • Knowledge and attitude on emergency contraceptive among 15-49 year old females and adult and adolescent males in Nepal
  • Availability and access to public/private brands of emergency contraceptive
  • Prevalence of emergency contraceptive use among 15-49 year old females
  • Effectiveness of emergency contraceptive in averting unwanted pregnancies among users in Nepal
The study will use mixed methodology including household and exit surveys, and key informant and focus group interviews.  Data collection will take place in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas of selected districts from all three ecological zones - hills, mountains and terai.  Development of survey instruments will be in consultation with USAID and FHD. 
  • Contribute expertise to study design.
  • Consult with Ministry of Health senior officials and partners in Kathmandu.
  • Support the process of data analysis.
  • Provide expertise in the finalization of the report
  • A postgraduate degree (PhD preferred) in public health.
  • At least 5 years experience conducting reproductive health/family planning studies in Nepal.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English and Nepali.
  • Excellent leadership and organizational skills.
  • Demonstrated communication and rapport-building skills.
Qualified applicant are requested to apply through following link:
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