More Jobs Vacancy

The Embassy of Denmark in Nepal has agreed with the Government of Nepal to develop a joint donor facility to manage coherent, harmonized and coordinated funding support aimed at enhancing democratic governance, peacebuilding and justice efforts in Nepal. The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Embassy of Switzerland/Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation also intend to support this ‘Governance Facility’ (GF) in line with the Aid Effectiveness Agenda as spelled out in the Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action, especially regarding harmonization and alignment.
The GF wishes to invite applications for the following positions from the interested and eligible candidates who have the ability to deliver results with highest level of integrity.

Deputy Head of Programme (DHoP)
Level: Senior Most National Level | Location: Kathmandu with frequent field visits

1. Background
A number of Development Partners in Nepal have decided to develop a joint Governance Facility (GF) to manage a coherent, harmonized and coordinated multi-donor support aimed at enhancing governance efforts in Nepal. The GF will administer four inter-related programme components:
  1. Peace building and Democratic Development
  2. Access to Justice
  3. Human Rights Promotion and Protection
  4. Voice and Accountability.
This facility and the programmes to be supported should be flexible enough to respond to a fluid political and governance context in Nepal during the next five years 2014-2018.
2. Main Purpose of the Job:
The GF Management Team is made up of the GF Head of Programme and the Deputy Head of Programme. The HoP serves as the Secretary to the GF Steering Committee and reports to the Chair of the GF Steering Committee, while the Deputy HoP reports to the GF Head of Programme.
The GF Head of Programme acting as chief executive officer of the GF is responsible for the overall management of the GF and implementation of the four programme components: Peace Building and Democratic Development (Component 1); Access to Justice (Component 2); Human Rights Promotion and Protection (Component 3); and Voice and Accountability (Component 4).

In addition, the GF Head of Programme is responsible overall for the administration and financial management function of the programme.

Under a two pillar structure for daily management of the GF Secretariat, the DHoP is responsible for supervising the operational partnerships and grant and finance management functions, while the HoP is responsible to manage required advisory and consultancy support, additional technical support related to programme implementation, and the programme monitoring, evaluation, learning and knowledge management functions. The HoP is also responsible to supervise the human resources and administrative functions.

The DHoP will also act as a capacity building coordinator and will be responsible to draw down the services of other advisers for the team, e.g., GESI (gender equality and social inclusion), justice, human rights, conflict transformation, and other consultants as required. As directed by the HoP, the DHoP may also be required to manage the full time inputs of some of these advisers based on operational requirements as well as workload management.

The GF Head of Programme and the Deputy will share the line management of senior staff the following way.
The following GF Senior Staff will report to the GF Head of Programme:

DHoP; Monitoring, Evaluation, Knowledge Management and Communications Specialist; and Human Resources and Administration Manager.
The following GF Senior Staff will report to Deputy HoP:

Senior Partnership Managers that lead the management of Component 1+4 and 2+3; and
Grants and Finance Manager.

In the absence of the HoP, the DHoP has the authority to take decision and sign contracts and agreements on behalf of GF as authorized to the HoP and within the limits of approved work-plans, budgets and procedures, and approved by the GF Steering Committee.
The Deputy HoP will be based at the GF Secretariat in Kathmandu, but is expected to undertake field visits to engage with partners outside the capital.
3. The specific responsibilities of the Deputy Head of Programme include, but are not  limited to the following which may require adaptation as programme implementation commences:
  • Advise the GF Head of Programme on policy formulation in relation to implementation of GF Programme Document
  • Assist the GF Head of Programme in further development of the Programme in terms of support strategies, partnerships and budgeting, and in providing technical, managerial and policy support and guidance to GF staff under his/her supervision
  • Ensure quality control in general in relation to processes and production of documents pertaining to substantive, managerial and administrative matters pertaining to partnership implementation and capacity building of partners
  • Supervise day-to-day programme implementation, including line managing GF staff under the DHoP responsibility.
  • Engage with relevant senior government officials to identify opportunities for developing partnership in the thematic areas of GF
  • Assist the GF HoP in establishing strategic partnership with most strategic state institutions in the thematic areas of GF
  • Assist the GF HoP in establishing and maintaining sound communication and coordination with the key government and civil society actors in four thematic areas of GF.
  • Coordinate capacity assessment and capacity development/building of partners.
  • Assist the GF Head of Programme in the management of the programme and the GF Secretariat, including preparation of Annual Work Plans and Budgets.
  • Assist in fulfilling reporting requirements and quality to the GF SC with regard to matters related to grants  and finance, including accounts, budget revisions, disbursement planning and auditing
  • Monitor expenditures to ensure that funds are spent in a proper manner for approved purposes in accordance with approved allocations and budgets
  • Undertake regular field monitoring of selected partners and produce field trip monitoring reports
  • Serve as Acting GF Head of Programme in the absence of the GF Head of Programme
The objectives of the technical assistance and the performance of the Deputy Head of Programme will be evaluated in connection with regular scheduled reviews of the GF. Annual staff performance assessment of the specialist is conducted by the Head of Programme. The Chair of the GF-SC may participate in the assessment.
4. Required qualification, experiences and competencies
The Deputy Head of Programme will have:
  • An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in a relevant subject (e.g. management, political science, public administration, law, human rights or other relevant subject matter).
  • Not less than 8 years of extensive and relevant management experience and a demonstrated track record of achievement in the management and delivery of donor Governance programmes
  • Sound leadership skills and representational capabilities as well as demonstrated competencies in team management.
  • Extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience of Project Cycle Management, grants and financial management and the administration of development programmes and projects. Proven capacity to set up reporting and monitoring system to document results achieved by the projects.
  • Good knowledge of governance and democratization and gender equality, social inclusion and conflict transformation
  • Experience in conducting capacity needs assessment and capacity development
  • Demonstrated track record and experience of working with government entities, donors and civil society organizations in Nepal
  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills.
  • Excellent communication and facilitation skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to interact at political, policy and technical levels.
  • Fluency in English and strong writing skills.
  • Good knowledge of current social and political issues and challenges in Nepal.
Requirements and expectations concerning the personal qualities:
  • Strong cooperation skills and ability to work fast and with diverse colleagues and partners.
  • Communication skills and ability to collaborate in a team with different technical abilities roles and responsibilities.
  • Ability to facilitate team work and willingness to work using a participatory methodology, but also able to show the way forward.
  • Kind, polite and firm nature, and exudes natural authority.
  • Interest and competence in operational and administrative tasks combined with a good working capacity.
  • Ability to delegate and motivate.
This is a senior-most national position (Level 1+) within the GF organisation structure and will attract an additional responsibility allowance.

Senior Partnership Manager (SPM): Democracy and Accountability (component 1 & 4)
Level: Senior National Level | Location: Kathmandu with frequent field visits

1. Background
A number of Development Partners in Nepal have decided to develop a joint Governance Facility (GF) to manage a coherent, harmonized and coordinated multi-donor support aimed at enhancing governance efforts in Nepal. The GF will administer four inter-related programme components:
  • Peace building and Democratic Development
  • Access to Justice
  • Human Rights Promotion and Protection
  • Voice and Accountability.
This facility and the programmes to be supported should be flexible enough to respond to a fluid political and governance context in Nepal during the next five years 2014-2018.
2. Main purpose of the job
Reporting to the Deputy Head of Programme (DHoP), and based in Kathmandu, the Senior Partnership Manager (SPM) is responsible to oversee and manage the effective and efficient delivery of the Peace Building and Democratic Development and Voice and Accountability components of the Governance Facility. These include:
  • In line with GF project document and log frame, assist in developing component wise strategy and suitable programmes for implementation;
  • Representing the GF in discussions with Nepali stakeholders and taking part in relevant coordination and collaboration fora;
  • Positioning and aligning the GF partner support to meet the expectations of stakeholders and donors;
  • Providing advice and recommendations on relevant strategies to the GF Steering Committee (GF-SC) and the Board through the DHoP and/or Head of Programme; and
  • Providing leadership and set examples to relevant staff, as well as overall operational and management supervision.
SPM will receive support from the programme officers and other support staff as required. As such s/he will supervise such staff.
3. The specific responsibilities of the SPM,  include but are not limited to the following which may require adaptation as full programme implementation commences:
Programme development and partnership management
  • Within respective components responsibilities, based on the preliminary mapping for urgent support, assist implementing key strategic partnerships and projects.
  • In line with GF strategy and Steering Committee decisions, develop ‘call for proposals’ on an as and when required basis and contribute to strategic targeting of partners.
  • Processing proposals for support under the auspices of the Partnership Manager and liaising with the other PM on creating synergies and avoiding overlaps.
  • Ensure short-listed partners capacity assessment and due diligence processes carried out together with other GF colleagues – finance/grants, capacity building, GESI and M&E, etc.
  • Collaborating with capacity development advisers to facilitate delivery of their thematic inputs to the projects and partnerships supported by GF and falling under the PM’s portfolio.
  • Providing quality assurance on all tasks related to the relevant partner support, including that systems and procedures for Project Cycle Management as agreed for the Governance Facility are adhered to.
  • Providing technical support to implementing partners under PM’s portfolio
  • Elaborating and seeking approval of partner support and strategy documents, work plans and budgets, including annual roll-over work plans every three months.
  • Providing strategic advice, under the guidance of the HoP, on any changes to the future direction, approach or design of the intended partner support that may require decisions by GF Steering Committee and the Board.
  • Managing senior-level contacts with participating Nepali organisations and the process of drawing up agreements that cover agreed work plans and funding.
Monitoring and lessons learning
  • Monitoring programme achievements against work plans and the overall progress in terms of outcomes and achieving targets for physical completion and financial spending including periodic field monitoring of activities of partners and producing field-trip monitoring reports.
  • Reviewing quarterly financial reports and periodic progress reports from partners supported by referring to their AWABs and M&E frameworks as well GF M&E framework.
  • Alerting the GF-Steering Committee through the Head of Programme of any corrective action required to ensure delivery of planned results.
  • Submitting regular monitoring and progress reports, including biannual progress reports, in an agreed simple format that clearly considers GF M&E indicators for the GF-Components and identifies bottlenecks, milestones and actions required by who and when
Other cross-cutting responsibilities:
  • Liaising with the relevant Admin and Finance staff regarding procurement of services and other inputs to enhance partners’ implementation.
  • Providing advice on any implications from the implementation of the partner support for aid policy of the donor partners.
  • Working closely with the other Senior Partnership Manager (PM) and the Head of Programme to create synergies among the four programme components and sub-components under them, as well as in relation to other similar governance programmes separately administered by the development partners of GF.
  • Liaising with the M&E, KM and Communication Specialist relating to these functions within the remit of the SPM.
  • Facilitating Programme reviews and meetings between, on the one hand, present and potential partners as well as other Nepali stakeholders, and on the other, relevant ad-hoc working groups, as and when established by the GF-SC, from among the participating development partners of GF.
  • Participating, as decided by the management, in recruitment of staff.
  • Leading and motivating staff.
  • Ensuring GESI policies and processes are integrated into the team working and across partners
  • Agreeing to performance targets for additional staff (if any), and conducting review of their performance.
  • Undertaking any other assignments as delegated by the Head of Programme.
The objectives of the technical assistance and the performance of the Partnership Manager will be evaluated in connection with regular scheduled reviews of the GF. Annual staff performance assessment of the manager is conducted by the Head of Programme. The Chair or members of the GF-SC may participate in this assessment.
4. Required qualifications and experiences
The Partnership Manager will have:
  • An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in social or political science and training and experience in peace building, democracy and development.
  • Not less than 8 years of work experience in the area of peace process, voice and accountability aspects and democratization process.
  • Substantial practical experience and a demonstrated track record of achievement in the design, management and delivery of governance programmes with particular focus on peace, democracy and development. Experience with programming in other components of the GF will be an advantage.
  • Good leadership skills and representational capabilities as well as demonstrated competencies in team management.
  • Extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience of Project Cycle Management, financial management and the administration of development programmes and projects.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the gender equality and social inclusion mainstreaming
  • Solid work experience with support to both government entities and civil society organizations.
  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills.
  • Excellent communication and facilitation skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to interact at political, policy and technical levels.
  • Fluency and strong writing skills in English and Nepali.
  • A good knowledge of current political developments in Nepal is desirable.
  • This is a national position.

Senior Partnership Manager (SPM): Justice and Human Rights (component 2 & 3)
Level: Senior National Level | Location: Kathmandu with frequent field visits

1. Background
A number of Development Partners in Nepal have decided to develop a joint Governance Facility (GF) to manage a coherent, harmonized and coordinated multi-donor support aimed at enhancing governance efforts in Nepal. The GF will administer four inter-related programme components:
  • Peace building and Democratic Development
  • Access to Justice
  • Human Rights Promotion and Protection
  • Voice and Accountability.
This facility and the programmes to be supported should be flexible enough to respond to a fluid political and governance context in Nepal during the next five years 2014-2018.
2. Main purpose of the job
Reporting to the Deputy Head of Programme (DHoP), and based in Kathmandu, the Senior Partnership Manager (SPM) is responsible to oversee and manage the effective and efficient delivery of the Access to Justice and Human Rights components of the Governance Facility. These include:
  • In line with GF project document and log frame, assist in developing component wise strategy and suitable programmes for implementation;
  • Representing the GF in discussions with Nepali stakeholders and taking part in relevant coordination and collaboration fora;
  • Positioning and aligning the GF partner support to meet the expectations of stakeholders and donors;
  • Providing advice and recommendations on relevant strategies to the GF Steering Committee (GF-SC) and the Board through the DHoP and/or Head of Programme; and
  • Providing leadership and set examples to relevant staff, as well as overall operational and management supervision.
SPM will receive support from the programme officers and other support staff as required. As such s/he will supervise such staff.
3. The specific responsibilities of the SPM,  include but are not limited to the following which may require adaptation as full programme implementation commences:
Programme development and partnership management
  • Within respective components responsibilities, based on the preliminary mapping for urgent support, assist implementing key strategic partnerships and projects.
  • In line with GF strategy and Steering Committee decisions, develop ‘call for proposals’ on an as and when required basis and contribute to strategic targeting of partners.
  • Processing proposals for support under the auspices of the Partnership Manager and liaising with the other PM on creating synergies and avoiding overlaps.
  • Ensure short-listed partners capacity assessment and due diligence processes carried out together with other GF colleagues – finance/grants, capacity building, GESI and M&E, etc.
  • Collaborating with capacity development advisers to facilitate delivery of their thematic inputs to the projects and partnerships supported by GF and falling under the PM’s portfolio.
  • Providing quality assurance on all tasks related to the relevant partner support, including that systems and procedures for Project Cycle Management as agreed for the Governance Facility are adhered to.
  • Providing technical support to implementing partners under PM’s portfolio
  • Elaborating and seeking approval of partner support and strategy documents, work plans and budgets, including annual roll-over work plans every three months.
  • Providing strategic advice, under the guidance of the HoP, on any changes to the future direction, approach or design of the intended partner support that may require decisions by GF Steering Committee and the Board.
  • Managing senior-level contacts with participating Nepali organisations and the process of drawing up agreements that cover agreed work plans and funding.
Monitoring and lessons learning
  • Monitoring programme achievements against work plans and the overall progress in terms of outcomes and achieving targets for physical completion and financial spending including periodic field monitoring of activities of partners and producing field-trip monitoring reports.
  • Reviewing quarterly financial reports and periodic progress reports from partners supported by referring to their AWABs and M&E frameworks as well GF M&E framework.
  • Alerting the GF-Steering Committee through the Head of Programme of any corrective action required to ensure delivery of planned results.
  • Submitting regular monitoring and progress reports, including biannual progress reports, in an agreed simple format that clearly considers GF M&E indicators for the GF-Components and identifies bottlenecks, milestones and actions required by who and when
Other cross-cutting responsibilities:
  • Liaising with the relevant Admin and Finance staff regarding procurement of services and other inputs to enhance partners’ implementation.
  • Providing advice on any implications from the implementation of the partner support for aid policy of the donor partners.
  • Working closely with the other Senior Partnership Manager (SPM) and the Head of Programme to create synergies among the four programme components and sub-components under them, as well as in relation to other similar governance programmes separately administered by the development partners of GF.
  • Liaising with the M&E, KM and Communication Specialist relating to these functions within the remit of the SPM.
  • Facilitating Programme reviews and meetings between, on the one hand, present and potential partners as well as other Nepali stakeholders, and on the other, relevant ad-hoc working groups, as and when established by the GF-SC, from among the participating development partners of GF.
  • Participating, as decided by the management, in recruitment of staff.
  • Leading and motivating staff.
  • Ensuring GESI policies and processes are integrated into the team work as well as across partners.
  • Agreeing to performance targets for additional staff (if any), and conducting review of their performance.
  • Undertaking any other assignments as delegated by the Head of Programme.
The objectives of the technical assistance and the performance of the Partnership Manager will be evaluated in connection with regular scheduled reviews of the GF. Annual staff performance assessment of the manager is conducted by the Head of Programme. The Chair or members of the GF-SC may participate in this assessment.
4. Required qualifications and experiences
The SPM will have:
  • An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in law, political or social science, and training and experience in Security and Justice, Human Rights and broader development issues.
  • Not less than 8 years of work experience in area of access to justice and human rights aspects.
  • Substantial practical experience and a demonstrated track record of achievement in the design, management and delivery of governance programmes with particular focus on security, justice, and human rights. Experience with programming in other components of the GF will be an advantage.
  • Good leadership skills and representational capabilities as well as demonstrated competencies in team management.
  • Extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience of Project Cycle Management, financial management and the administration of development programmes and projects.
  • Knowledge and understanding of gender equality and social inclusion mainstreaming
  • Solid work experience with support to both government entities and civil society organizations.
  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills.
  • Excellent communication and facilitation skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to interact at political, policy and technical levels.
  • Fluency and strong writing skills in English and Nepali.
  • A good knowledge of current political developments in Nepal is desirable.
This is a senior national position within the GF organisation structure.

Monitoring, Evaluations, Knowledge Mgmt. & Communications Specialist (M&E Specialist)
Level: Senior National Level | Location: Kathmandu

1. Background
A number of Development Partners in Nepal have decided to develop a joint Governance Facility (GF) to manage a coherent, harmonized and coordinated multi-donor support aimed at enhancing governance efforts in Nepal. The GF will administer four inter-related programme components:
  • Peace building and Democratic Development
  • Access to Justice
  • Human Rights Promotion and Protection
  • Voice and Accountability.
This facility and the programmes to be supported should be flexible enough to respond to a fluid political and governance context in Nepal during the next five years 2014-2018.
2. Main Purpose of the Job:
  • The M&E Specialist will be responsible to develop monitoring, evaluations and knowledge management system and procedures for GF, build internal capacity and that of GF partners on M&E and knowledge management and communication aspects and will support implementation of the programme. The M&E Specialist will report to the Head of Programme (HoP), and be based in Kathmandu. Key objectives of the job:
  • Providing advice and recommendations on relevant M&E, knowledge management and communication strategies to the GF Steering Committee and the Board through the Head of Programme;
  • Delivering technical assistance to all partners, state and non-state, across all the four components on M&E, knowledge management and communication aspects.
  • Ensuring M&E, knowledge management and communication considerations in all dimensions of programme implementation, as required, and building the GF programme staff capacity to mainstream knowledge management and M&E in all Components.
  • Ensuring gender equality and social inclusion is mainstreamed within the M&E systems of GF and partner organisations
The M&E specialist will supervise Knowledge Management and Communication Officer and a M&E Officer. The M&E specialist will be required to work closely with the Deputy Head of Programme, senior partnership managers, programme officers and other GF staff as required to deliver the responsibilities of the job.
3. The specific responsibilities of the M&E Specialist include, but are not  limited to the following which may require adaptation as programme implementation commences:
  • Providing strategic advice, under the guidance of the HoP, on knowledge management and M&E issues that may require decisions by GF Steering Committee and the Board.
  • Develop knowledge management and internal/external communication strategies for the GF.
  • Contributing to the development of GF M&E framework and system.
  • Creation and maintenance of data base pertaining to GF indicators.
  • Providing technical assistance to GF partners in knowledge management, M&E and communication.
  • Providing specific advice to partners on their annual work plans and budgets in relation to the knowledge management and M&E parts of their plans.
  • Field monitoring of GF partners by using their M&E indicators providing advice and guidance.
  • Review of partner progress reports based on their AWABs and M&E frameworks.
  • Contributing to the preparation of periodic GF progress reports by referring to the GF M&E indicators.
  • Contributing to the coordination of baseline, evaluation and other studies.
  • Collaborating with advisers/consultants to facilitate, if required, joint delivery of the thematic inputs to the projects and partnerships supported under various Components.
  • Working closely with PMs and other GF staff to create knowledge management indicators and database to enable periodic progress reporting by PMs on knowledge management issues.
  • Providing quality assurance on all tasks related to the knowledge management and M&E efforts, within GF and externally in capacity building efforts with partners.
  • Monitoring progress of the programme and partnerships in achieving knowledge management targets.
  • Identifying windows of opportunity to further develop the programme from the perspective of M&E, knowledge management and communications considerations.
  • Undertaking any other assignments as delegated by the Head of Programme.
The objectives of the technical assistance and the performance of the M&E Specialist will be evaluated in connection with regular scheduled reviews of the GF. Annual staff performance assessment of the specialist is conducted by the Head of Programme. The Chair of the GF-SC may participate in the assessment.
4. Required qualification, experiences and competencies
The M&E Specialist will have:
  • An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in social science, economics or a related discipline.
  • Not less than 8 years of work experience in the area of M&E, knowledge management, and communication issues
  • Substantial practical experience in M&E, knowledge management and communication work. Experience with programming in any of the other Component or thematic areas of the GF will be a strong advantage.
  • Good leadership skills and representational capabilities as well as demonstrated competencies in team management.
  • Extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience of Project Cycle Management, financial management and the administration of development programmes and projects.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the gender equality and social inclusion mainstreaming
  • Solid work experience with support to both government entities and civil society organizations.
  • Strong conceptual and analytical skills.
  • Excellent communication and facilitation skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to interact at political, policy and technical levels.
  • Fluency and strong writing skills in English and Nepali.
  • A good knowledge of current political developments in Nepal is desirable.
  • Training on project cycle management with focus on M&E will be an asset.
This is a senior national (Level 1+) position within the GF Organisation Structure

Grants and Finance Manager (GFM)
Level: Senior National Level | Location: Kathmandu with frequent field visits

1. Background
A number of Development Partners in Nepal have decided to develop a joint Governance Facility (GF) to manage a coherent, harmonized and coordinated multi-donor support aimed at enhancing governance efforts in Nepal. The GF will administer four inter-related programme components:
  • Peace building and Democratic Development
  • Access to Justice
  • Human Rights Promotion and Protection
  • Voice and Accountability.
This facility and the programmes to be supported should be flexible enough to respond to a fluid political and governance context in Nepal during the next five years 2014-2018.
2. Main purpose of the job
Reporting to the Deputy Head of Programme (DHoP), and based in Kathmandu, the Grant & Finance Manager (GFM) is responsible to manage the Grants (partner financing) and Finance (internal budgeting, accounting and financial control) Functions of the GF-Secretariat.
As head of the Grants and Finance Section, the GFM provides technical assistance to partner organisations relating budget and finances across all four components, supervises day-to-day operations of the GF grants and financial management, provides guidance to and supervises other Finance staff if required, and supports implementation of the programme. The GFM is responsible for the day-to-day management of the grants and financial functions under the supervision of the DHoP and under the overall responsibilities of the Head of Programme.
The GFM will also be required to manage grants officer and other finance staff. S/he will also be required to work closely with the senior partnership managers and support the programme officers relating to grant functions of the GF. S/he will work closely with the human resources and administrative manager with regard to internal finance and accounting work.

3. The specific responsibilities of the Grant and Finance Manager will include, but not be limited to the following which may require adaptation as programme implementation commences:
  • Grants and financial management of all of GF activities including the finances related to the Components of the programme.
  • Budgeting, accounting, internal control, financial reporting, and monitoring and follow up on financial reporting from external partners.
  • Participation in partner’s financial management and control due diligence processes
  • Development of strategies for capacity building of partners in financial management and ensuring their implementation.
  • Preparation of grant agreements and maintaining a grant register
  • Maintenance of grant management information system
  • Reviewing and Updating grants and financial management procedures for the programme
  • Advising programme partners in the field of financial management (planning, budgeting, accounting, financial reporting, internal controls, and external audit)
  • Provide technical assistance to partner organisations in the area of financial management, as required and agreed, in collaboration with the respective Partnership Managers and other relevant GF staff;
  • Support the dialogue between GF and partners regarding the budgets and financial management in relation to the implementation of the partnerships;
  • Supervise the financial and accounting work to ensure compliance with the GF Accounts Manual for all financial transactions;
  • Carry out budget preparation and revision, as and when required, and budget monitoring and analysis on a periodic basis;
  • Facilitate trimester financial review of partners accounts through external auditors and follow up on financial review recommendations.
  • Facilitate external auditors for audits of the GF’s accounts and follow up on auditor’s recommendations;
  • Supervise preparation of periodic financial reports as and when required, including periodic reports for submission to the GF funders and annual financial reports for external audit;
  • Prepare inputs in relation to budgets and expenditures to GF’s Progress Reports for submission by the HoP to the GF-Steering Committee;
  • Carry out monitoring of financial management systems, policies, procedures of the partner organisations, including regular field visits and produce field trip monitoring reports;
  • Provide comments to the annual work plans and budgets (AWAB) submitted by partner organisations, and advise on fund releases to the latter, in consultation with respective Partnership Managers and in line with trimester financial review recommendations;
  • Review periodic  financial reports and  annual audit reports submitted by partner organizations; and
  • Participate in meetings in relation to the grants and financial management with partner organisations and other stakeholders.
The objectives of the technical assistance and the performance of the GFM will be evaluated in connection with regular scheduled reviews of the GF.
Annual staff performance assessment of the GFM is conducted by the Head of Programme.
4. Required qualifications and experiences
  • An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in business administration, accounting or economics or a related eld with 5 years of experience in Grants and Finance Management or a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration, accounting or economic or related field with 10 years of experience in Grants and Finance Management
  • Specialist grant and financial management experience of managing similar donor programmes would be desirable.
  • Good knowledge of and experience with drafting of accounting procedures and setting up an effective and efficient internal control environment;
  • Good knowledge of and working experience with computerized accounting (experience from working with Navision will be an added advantage); 
  • Practical work experience in the use of external financial reviewers and auditors, drafting of Terms of Reference for financial reviews and audit, follow up on reviews and audit reports;
  • Knowledge and understanding of the gender equality and social inclusion mainstreaming
  • Work experience from international organisations would be a strong asset.
  • Proficiency in oral and written English and Nepali.
  • Ability to work in team, and to delegate and motivate.
  • Strong interpersonal skills in terms of partners working relationship
This is a senior level national position within the GF organisation structure.

Human Resources and Administrative Manager (HRAM)
Level: Senior National Level | Location: Kathmandu

1. Background
A number of Development Partners in Nepal have decided to develop a joint Governance Facility (GF) to manage a coherent, harmonized and coordinated multi-donor support aimed at enhancing governance efforts in Nepal. The GF will administer four inter-related programme components:
  • Peace building and Democratic Development
  • Access to Justice
  • Human Rights Promotion and Protection
  • Voice and Accountability.
This facility and the programmes to be supported should be flexible enough to respond to a fluid political and governance context in Nepal during the next five years 2014-2018.
2. Main purpose of the job
Reporting to the Head of Programme (HoP), and based in Kathmandu, the Human Resources and Administrative Manager (HRAM) is responsible to manage the Human Resources, Administration and Procurement functions of the GF-Secretariat.
As head of the human resources and administration, the HRAM will be responsible for ensuring adherence to the GF HR Policy & Administrative Guidelines and Operations Manual. S/he will be responsible for overall administration and management of the day-to-day operations of the GF administrative affairs and activities, including the management of human resources, procurement, inventory, transport, safety and security, maintenance of infrastructure and IT and communication facilities, and providing guidance to and supervision of the front office coordinator/admin assistant/receptionist and support staff. S/he will also be expected to contribute to partners due diligence processes including capacity assessment as required.
3. The specific responsibilities of HRAM will include, but not be limited to the following which may require adaptation as programme implementation commences:
  • Lead the GF’s HR and Administrative functions to provide adequate and timely logistical and other operational support for smooth operation of the office;
  • Lead the process of maintaining policies and procedures for human resource management and make sure these are achievable;
  • Facilitate recruitment processes for national positions, including advertisement, screening and short-listing of candidates ensuring that applications are consistent with recruitment criteria and job requirements, interviews, drafting employment contract and job descriptions in line with GF’s Human Resource Policy and as per recruitment guidelines;
  • Foresee and develop skills development plan for staff and provide support for an facilitate the subsequent provision of capacity development and training as advised by the Management;
  • Lead and manage the process to ensuring gender equality and social inclusion mainstreaming within the GF
  • Maintain and process personnel records and applications, including leave records, staff attendance reports, leave applications and other overtime records;
  • Ensure implementation of performance management system performance management system for staff in accordance with the Human Resources Policy;
  • Ensure all office equipment and furniture and logistical facilities are fully functional and operational at all times and are timely repaired and maintained;
  • Review and analyze acquisition requests, and carry out procurement of goods, services and logistics for GF as per the Operations Manual, including obtaining quotations, analyzing, recommending and forwarding purchase orders;
  • Oversee the identification of office technology needs e.g. hardware and software, administer and manage the internal IT security system, communication system and computer system and co-ordinate enhancement of system as necessary;
  • Deal with vendors and service providers in order to maintain the quality of services and prompt service responses;
  • Coordinate security management for GF, prepare annual duty schedule of security guards and supervise and monitor their duty and leave plan;
  • Handle and undertake customs clearance of imported equipment/goods, and immigration procedures for international staff/volunteers;
  • Deal with the insurance company for medical and personal accident insurance for GF staff and vehicle insurance;
  • Handle the inventory management (fixed assets and consumables) for GF,  carry out periodic physical verification and keep up-to-date fixed assets register and prepare and submit annual fixed assets register to the Admin and Finance Manager for approval;
  • Supervise and ensure that the Front Office at all times provides the best possible services to callers, visitors and other external actors who interact with GF;
  • Supervise the relevant GF staff in relation to the transportation management, and ensure the overall management of vehicle, including vehicle movement, repair and maintenance, periodic services and to check vehicle log-books and status of vehicle operations;
  • Supervise the relevant staff in relation to the documentation management and filing system;
  • Monitor, coach and supervise the relevant support staff in the Administrative Section in their daily works and supervise activities concerned with tidiness and functionality of the office equipment at all times; and
  • Carry out any other related duties as advised by the Head of Programme.
The objectives of the technical assistance and the performance of the HRAM will be evaluated in connection with regular scheduled reviews of the GF. Annual staff performance assessment of the HRAM is conducted by the Head of Programme.
4. Required qualifications and experiences
  • An advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in business administration, accounting or economics or a related field with 5 years of relevant work experience or a bachelor’s degree in similar field with 10 years of relevant work experience in the area of human resources management, administration and procurement functions. In addition, 5 years’ work experience in international organizations is required.
  • Good interpersonal, communicating and negotiation skills.
  • Good knowledge of and experience with drafting of admin manual and setting up an effective and efficient admin procedures;
  • Knowledge and understanding of the gender equality and social inclusion mainstreaming
  • Experience of providing on-the-job coaching and mentoring to staff
  • Knowledge of managing IT, including electronic archiving
  • Work experience from international organisations would be a strong asset.
  • Proficiency in oral and written English and Nepali
  • Ability to work in team, and to delegate and motivate.
This is a senior national (Level 1) position within the GF organisation structure.
The deadline to apply for the above position/s is 17:00 hrs, April 13, 2014.
All candidates are expected to be proficient in written/spoken Nepali and English and be computer literate with a working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further selection process. Canvassing at any stage of the processes shall lead to
automatic disqualification.

The GF is an equal opportunity employer and would particularly encourage applications from female candidates and disadvantaged groups 
apply through merojobs