CRG and Child Protection Specialist

The Child Rights Governance (CRG) and Child Protection Specialist is responsible to work with the Senior Advocacy, CRG and Child Protection Specialist to provide strategic direction, timely technical inputs and guidance to Save the Children’s CRG and Protection team and to ensure that high quality child focused CRG and protection programs are developed both in Nepal and Bhutan. S/he works to develop new and /or innovative child focused result oriented CRG and Child Protection programs/projects, including leading on child participation programming. S/he promotes excellence of CRG and Protection programs. S/he develops minimum standards for activities/ interventions in CRG and Child Protection and revises and updates them to continuously improve them. S/he promotes child participation and child rights programming as an underlying principle by providing high quality and timely technical support to the program implementation team both at the national and field level. S/he will establish proven evidence of successful Save the Children CRG and Protection initiatives, take lead in documenting them and establish their linkages with other thematic areas. The Specialist will be responsible to support the Sr Specialist to establish and maintain relationships with relevant line ministries of the Government of Nepal and influence and support the formulation/reformulation of legal/policy framework on child rights in compliance with international human/child rights standards. He/she will also work to strengthen linkages and collaboration with child rights/ civil society organizations and networks to promote child rights agenda in the country. He/she will keep him/herself updated about latest development in CRG and Child Protection nationally and internationally to ensure that Nepal and Bhutan country programs on CRG and Protection are relevant, effective and sustainable and in line with national/international development. Location: Kathmandu, Nepal Contract - Full-Time Closing date: Sunday 15 December 2013 All jobs close at midnight UK time on the date specified
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